No temptation avoided

When you stop and consider earth has always been a place inhabited by selfish, prideful, arrogant beings, is there really any surprise as to all the warfare that has plagued our history? It’s inevitable.
Scripture also warns us of another type of warfare that is just as inevitable: the spiritual battles and attacks that our enemy is sure to launch. I just finished reading a devotional by Charles Spurgeon focusing on the fact that Jesus Himself was tempted by our enemy. Despite being completely consecrated to fulfilling the will of God, having perfect, holy character, satan still attacked our Savior. Spurgeon says that our hearts are like dried tinder upon which the sparks of temptation fall while “in Christ’s case, it was like striking sparks on water. Now if the devil goes on striking when there is no result, how much more will he do it when he knows what inflammable stuff our hearts are made of!” Makes you pause and think, does it not?
Matt. 4:1 says Jesus was “led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.” He was led by the Spirit but tempted by the devil. If it was the perfect will of God for His righteous Son to be led to a point of testing and trial, we can hold a pretty high level of confidence it will be for us as well. Deut. 8:2 and James 1:2-4 give the answers as to why this is allowed in a believer’s life. Spurgeon says: “…in the holiest position we may suffer the darkest temptation.” Wow. Stop and ponder that last statement…
There is no level or place of comfort or safety; no place of retreat this side of heaven where we will ever be immune, removed or protected from the attacks of that snake, the devil. When we reach any particular level of comfort; when things finally appear to be going well and smoothing out, rest assured it is then our enemy will strike. We must remain watchful in all things at all times, walking carefully because the days are full of evil and perverseness. Our enemy never rests; this is why we must stand a vigilant watch as a good soldier, fully armored in the power, strength, might and knowledge of King Jesus to wage the good warfare. Fight on good soldiers! Fight on! – 2 Tim. 4:5; Eph. 5:15-18; 1 Pet. 5:8; Eph. 6:10-20; 2 Tim. 2:3-4; 1 Tim. 1:18.

Sunday Morning                      ESL-8:30am
Sunday School-9:00am
Worship Service-10:30am

Monday Evening 

Men of the Shore (men’s study) 7:00pm, Downstairs

Women of Worth (women’s study) 7:00 pm, Upstairs

Tuesday Evening
Teen Youth Group 6:00pm – (Sept. – May)

Wednesday Evening
Awana Clubs 6:30pm (Sept.- May)
Bible Study & Prayer 7:00pm (Sept.- June)

Contact us at 860-669-2155

70 East Main St Clinton, CT 06413

Email [email protected]

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