
Believing that Jesus’ last command should be our first concern, we send out missionaries. We support them through “faith promise” giving and by the power of prayer.

These are just some of the missionaries that Clinton Bible Fellowship supports. You can read more about each of their ministries below. (Listed in alphabetical order, by name.) Check back often, as we will post updates here as they come in.

Burcur, Mihai and Ana Laura – Word of Life, Romania

Dear friends, would you join us in prayer as we are looking ahead at some amazing opportunities to bring the Gospel message to the youth of Romania! Take a look at some of them!  You are part of it!’

U N S T O P P A B L E  S U M M E R (Summer 2024 recap)

U N S T O P P A B L E     F A I T H

Each week of camp we had a total of 150 people, 80 campers plus a summer staff of 70 people. Many of the youth expressed how this time with us is like having a family. Our goal with the summer staff is of discipleship, counseling, and forming them in different aspects of ministry.   We praise God for the young families that have given of their time and summer vacations to serve alongside of us.
Five weeks of summer ministry was realized by the grace of God but also with the participation of 110 young people who made themselves available to serve Him. We appreciate the dedication, love and diligence with which each one of them carried out each task and responsibility.

M I S S I O N:   UNSTOPPABLE After five weeks of camp, we organized a special week dedicated just for the summer staff. The week was focused on studying deeper the Word of God, we talked about missions and did open air evangelism in the city. One of our desires was also to spend quality time and have a relaxed time of fellowship with them. This gave us an opportunity to share with them about missions and challenge them to consider attending the WOLBI.

During this week, 153 people heard the Gospel and 51 manifested trusting Jesus as Savior.  In the evening, after we came back from evangelizing, we all had free time to play soccer and volleyball. It was awesome to hear them share with each other about the fulfilling joy they felt in their lives after sharing the gospel.

We finished the Missions Week with an evangelistic outreach which we call FUN FAMILY DAY. The property is open for families to come and enjoy the day, we organize games and different activities for the whole family.  we praise God for one more opportunity to present the good news of the Gospel to kids and parents. 

It was a blessed summer full of wonderful fruits that will remain for eternity, and we can give God the Glory for each person who turned from darkness to light. The price to pay is always big and not easy, but God’s hand brought us through. Mihai’s health was again with Lyme, and it was very hard having to continue with the camp season, the health complications made it twice as hard. We know is a long recovery, this time we know what to do.

We look forward to some time as a family, we are traveling to the US to see Ana Laura’s parents and share with some churches in the area.

We thank God for each one of you, we praise the Lord for you, your friendship and faithful financial support, which is very much appreciated and valued.
From the bottom of our hearts, we pray and desire for you and your families to be blessed.

Mihai, Ana Laura, Sofia and Lucas




Byrd, Gary and Tami – Daystar Baptist Missions, Dominican Republic

June 2024

The last 2 months have been a roller coaster ride. To be honest, it’s been the nature of the beast here the last few years. In the last letter I wrote about Jennifer, the sister of Luis one of our men training for pastoral ministry, and her salvation. Well, she was baptized a few weeks ago. The Thursday Night evangelistic Bible study Luis leads is bearing much fruit, with a few saved already. Also, this past Sunday was Mother’s Day here in the DR and 9 women connected to this Bible Study attended our ser-
vice and were honored along with the rest of our mothers. (To read, click here: Byrds June 24 newsletter or scroll below.)

Tonight, at the Bible Study the lady on the far left, Mari, poured out her heart to her unsaved cousin, Susanna (on the right) explaining how God is changing her life, her daughter Elisa, niece Jennifer (center) and Ramon her brother (also center). I was so thrilled when she shared how sometimes it takes a person a little time to understand the grace of God. She just encouraged her to keep seeking the truth, assuring her that God would reveal the truth to her.

THAT is why I love being a missionary!!

Sometimes I read of someone seeing thousands coming to Christ. In my experience here, that doesn’t happen due to vast amount of false teaching that most Dominicans receive.
It normally takes a while for God to “de-program” the false doctrine, and to “re-program” with the truth. But when we allow God to work at his own speed, we tend to see people transformed into disciples not just converts.
It is slow, and sometimes you don’t see the results you hope to see. But when you see people like Marie re-producing in others what has been invested in her, it really stirs your heart. Thank you for participating with us in God’s plan to reach the nations! It truly is a worthy endeavor.

 Thank you for praying for Haley and her college decision. She will be attending the College of the
Ozarks along with Darby in the fall. We are excited that they will be on the same campus.
 Our second story classrooms are under construction finally. We have a roof, walls, plaster, and
now insulation on the ceiling. We lack the electric, windows, paint and tile. If anyone knows how to
lay tile and would like to make a trip to the DR, I promise we will feed you good!
 We are in the final stages of transferring the property we think. But we hit another obstacle. Pray
for us and for God’s Favor. This has been an agonizing process for the last 9 years.

Thank you for praying,and reading.

Living the Dream,
Gary, Tami, Heidi, Darby & Haley


                                                                                                                                                                                       Boguski, Roger and Ann – Olivet Ministries International

Parschauer, Bob and Maryann – Word of Life European Representatives

Pink Peony

He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay,  Matthew 28:6

Dear Friends and supporters,
We want to wish you a blessed Easter season as we celebrate the death and RESURRECTION of Christ!!
Please check out our PICTURE JOURNAL #5 telling about English4Life, the youth groups and the churches where we served in Poland. DON’T MISS the crazy video of our ‘fun’ times outside the classroom!
Stay tuned for news of the upcoming tour with the Good Family from Poland April 14-28th in Florida.
Live in the victory of our Lord Jesus,
Bob and Mary Anne

Please find our latest newsletter attached.

Many blessings!
Our love and prayers,
Bob & Mary Anne Parschauer

                                                                                             News Letter(Click Here)

Pastor Yelisey Pronin – Ukraine
ClintonBibleFellowship helps Ukraine church Article

The fruit of love. Real story (update August/Sept.2024)


In this photo you see Ilya and Lena.

Lena helped me in my work with refugees. In our church shelter she organized the settlement, food, cleaning. Everyday dozens of new people turned to her for help.

One day a young guy Ilya asked for help. He is a refugee from Kharkov. His house was destroyed by the war. We accepted him and helped him find shelter in our church. We also preached Jesus Christ to him. Ilya believed in God. Ilya and I became very close through discipleship.

A few months later he asked for baptism and I baptized him in the pool.

And then Ilya fell in love with Lena.

Lena also fell in love with Ilya.

And now they have created a family. They want their family to serve God. Ilya dreams of being a pastor!

This is an amazing story about how serving people brings the fruit of love!

It is love that changes our lives!

The story of Ilya and Lena is another proof!

Happy to share with you because all of us have own mission in this story!

“I planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.

So then neither is he that planteth anything, nor he that watereth; but God that gives the increase.

Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: but each shall receive his own reward according to his own labor.”


 I want the joy that I experience to be felt by you too! Thank you for your prayer! Thanks for your support! Pastor Yelisey Pronin



Woodbridge, Russ and Ingrid – Ukraine

Jan. 2024


  • The family came to visit over Christmas! We were fourteen in total and had a great time.
  • They saw the sights in Germany and Europe and we headed north to Sweden with Lukas, Markus, and Priscila.
  • Ingrid visited coworkers and Russell conducted some church planting trainings in France and Germany with a coworker.
  • Ingrid continues to work with a women’s shelter (El Roi) to train counselors and is on a team to establish a counseling center (Zwischenzeit). She is also active with the network for biblical counseling here in Germany.
  • Russell is working with a local church to set up a training program for church planters.
  • Russell was in Connecticut for the funeral of our friend and pastor, Zack Furches. He finished his weight training at home on January 5th and died of a heart attack. He was only fifty years old but he lived his life for Jesus! Russell preached the gospel at the memorial service and six people indicated that they decided to follow Jesus! We will miss Zack but he is with his Redeemer celebrating.
  • Wisdom for planning and preparing for classes in the spring.
  • Pray for our neighbors and their salvation.
  • Pray for Zwischenzeit as they search for a building for the center.
  • Pray for Bekah, Zack’s wife, and Clinton Bible Fellowship as they mourn the loss of Pastor Zack and search for a new pastor.

Thank you for praying.

Russell & Ingrid

For those of you who are new to our updates, you can check out our books on www.amazon.com

Thanks for Subscribing

We want to extend a ‘thank you’ to all of our wonderful prayer supporters.

Our mailing address is:
Waldorfer Weg 65
53332 Bornheim

Emanuel & Tereza Negru – Greece Impossible Ministries, Greece 

Gibbs, David – Christian Law Association


Sunday Morning                      ESL-8:30am
Sunday School-9:00am
Worship Service-10:30am

Monday Evening 

Men of the Shore (men’s study) 7:00pm, Downstairs

Women of Worth (women’s study) 7:00 pm, Upstairs

Tuesday Evening
Teen Youth Group 6:00pm – (Sept. – May)

Wednesday Evening
Awana Clubs 6:30pm (Sept.- May)

Contact us at 860-669-2155

70 East Main St Clinton, CT 06413

Email admin@cbfct.org

Upcoming Events