REGISTRATION SCHOOL YEAR 2024-2025 now open! 



Our AWANA program runs from September-May on Wednesday Evenings from 6:30-8:00 p.m. It is available for children  Preschool– 6th Grade.

The AWANA Clubs program is divided into three age groups:

  • Cubbies (3 – 4yrs. old, must be completely toilet trained)
  • Sparks (K – 2nd grade)
  • T&T – Truth & Training (3rd – 6th grade)
A night at an AWANA club balances connection, learning the Gospel and having fun to help kids grow relationally and spiritually. The evening is divided into
  • Small Group/Handbook Time (discipleship)
  • Activity Time (GAMES!)
  • Large Group Time (Bible lesson, relationship building)
AWANA stands for “Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed”. It is based on 2 Timothy 2:15 which says, “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

Be sure to like our CBF Kid’s page on Facebook for updates and current information.


Sunday Morning                      ESL-8:30am
Sunday School-9:00am
Worship Service-10:30am

Monday Evening 

Men of the Shore (men’s study) 7:00pm, Downstairs

Women of Worth (women’s study) 7:00 pm, Upstairs

Tuesday Evening
Teen Youth Group 6:00pm – (Sept. – May)

Wednesday Evening
Awana Clubs 6:30pm (Sept.- May)

Contact us at 860-669-2155

70 East Main St Clinton, CT 06413


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