Author: sound crew
8/8/21-Chain of Command: Usurping God’s Authority
Worship Service: Printable Sermon Notes: Genesis 3.Chain.of.Command.Usurping.Gods.Authority
7/11/21- “Roles of the Holy Spirit” John 16:5-15
Worship Service: Printable Sermon Notes: John 16.5-15.Roles.of.the.Holy.Spirit
6/20/21- “The Purpose of Prayer” Luke 22:39-62
Worship Service: Printable Outline: Luke 22.39-62.The.Purpose.of.Prayer
6/13/21-“The World’s Hatred” John 15:18-25
Worship Service: Printable Sermon Notes: John 15.18-25-the.worlds.hatred
6/6/21-“The Commandment to Love” John 15:12-13
Worship Service: Printable Sermon Notes: John
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Sunday Morning ESL-8:30am
Sunday School-9:00am
Worship Service-10:30am
Monday Evening
Men of the Shore (men’s study) 7:00pm, Downstairs
Women of Worth (women’s study) 7:00 pm, Upstairs
Tuesday Evening
Teen Youth Group 6:00pm – (Sept. – May)
Wednesday Evening
Awana Clubs 6:30pm (Sept.- May)
Bible Study & Prayer 7:00pm (Sept.- June)
Contact us at 860-669-2155
70 East Main St Clinton, CT 06413
Email [email protected]
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